Olive oil is not just olive oil.
Tricking with olive oil. On a small and large scale.
Don't trust anyone. Those were the first words of some olive growers.
In the supermarket, also in the Italian supermarket, there is olive oil from European cultivation. Whatever that means.
It is mixed like crazy. Good oil mixed with cheap oil. Fresh oil with that from the previous harvest. Aromatic substances provide the taste. If you want it to taste fruity, put fruity in it.
Our oil has the quality standard extra virgine, cold pressed. It is organic but not certified. It is the way it is, meaning this year this year, next year maybe different.
Our trees are about 30 - 50 years old and are planted with a lot of heart and soul maintained by Robert Kiss. He is an internationally recognized professor of biology (cancer research, bacteria against cancer) and has been the owner of an olive plantation with around 400 trees for 6 years, and also looks after another 200 trees.
He knows his way around better than most of the olive growers in the area. He has scientific explanations for everything. It goes without saying for him that no chemicals and no pesticides are used. He builds traps and only uses natural substances for fertilization. He knows exactly what needs to be done and when. He understands the trees. Knows each variety with all its characteristics.
Just an expert. The local olive farmers have also recognized this and he is often consulted.
It was this expertise and Robert's know-how that first led us to produce our own oil.
And with the certainty of ultimately getting a good oil.
It tastes great.
PS This year Robert has the olive oil CORNALIE
This is very rare, because every olive grower only has
such a tree. He asked some and
could produce such a small amount.
The local restaurants have the quota
bought up. Despite the high price.
But we could also get a small amount
secure this rarity.
Our olives come from the tree combed, this protects the tree and the new shoots. The olives will grow on them next year.
The comb is powered by a car battery. He vibrates violently and weighs 2-3 kg. A very tiring job.
Our trees have been cut in the last two years. This was necessary because they grew rampant for 30 years.
25 olive trees have now become 38. some _ could be revived and kicked out vigorously.
Must be.
The perfect tool, not to be broken down and ideally suited for harvesting.
The net must be laid out, always 2 per tree.
Then again emptied and laid out again on the next tree.
Bend, bend and bend.
The olives still have to be freed from soil and leaves.
To there is a vibrating screen with blower.
Typical for Puglia.
It can be as hard as concrete or soft as sand.
As soon as she gets wet it can no longer be walked on or driven on.
The mud is then extremely sticky and the cars sink into the soft red mud.
TO & fro
To the Finally all the olives on the trailer and then to the mill.
This must happen within 48 hours, otherwise it is not extra virgin oil.